Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Disappointing but true

Google dropped the page rank of my blog. The only reason for it is that i did some paid posting (with a badge on it saying its a paid one) which somehow is being punished by google.

I don't know the reason for it but I left blogging for more than 2 months after feeling bad about it. I didn't made much nor I intend do but such a harsh step is totally uncalled for. At times I don't realize why only small players gets punished. I know for a reason that big amount of money is paid to big bloggers to write positively about companies. Even the authenticated sources is marred by excess of PR activities which again is paid. Too much of web is related to promotion and its on end user how to consume the information.

Google is having a monoply on web and it wants to control everything because of its sheer size. People writing on web and reading are knowledgeable enough to make a decision based on their knowledge. Google is more of a pain with it stupid logic.


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