Wednesday, May 21, 2008

County Cricket- Twenty20 cup is coming right after IPL

For all cricket fans a good news- Right after IPL there would be Twenty20 Fixtures in England- County Cricket which would start on June11th 2008 and the finals would be on 26th July 2008. Each day would be action packed with about 9 matches in a single day on different days.

The fixture List is given at site.

2008 Twenty20 Cup Fixtures

Wednesday, June 11th 2008
Leicestershire v Lancashire Grace Road
Somerset v Northamptonshire Taunton
Kent v Sussex Canterbury
Hampshire v Middlesex The Rose Bowl
Glamorgan v Warwickshire Cardiff
Durham v Derbyshire Riverside
Surrey v Essex The Brit Oval

Thursday, June 12th 2008
Yorkshire v Derbyshire Headingley Carnegie
Middlesex v Essex Lord's
Worcestershire v Gloucestershire New Road

Friday, June 13th 2008
Sussex v Hampshire Hove
Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley Carnegie
Surrey v Kent The Brit Oval
Northamptonshire v Worcestershire Northampton
Glamorgan v Somerset Cardiff
Derbyshire v Lancashire Derby
Gloucestershire v Warwickshire Bristol
Leicestershire v Durham
Grace Road

Saturday, June 14th 2008
Hampshire v Kent The Rose Bowl
Nottinghamshire v Durham Trent Bridge
Somerset v Warwickshire Taunton

Sunday, June 15th 2008
Gloucestershire v Northamptonshire Bristol
Lancashire v Leicestershire Old Trafford
Glamorgan v Worcestershire Cardiff
Derbyshire v Yorkshire Chesterfield
Essex v Middlesex Chelmsford
Surrey v Sussex The Brit Oval

Monday, June 16th 2008
Kent v Hampshire Canterbury
Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge
Middlesex v Surrey Lord's

Tuesday, June 17th 2008
Worcestershire v Warwickshire New Road
Sussex v Essex Hove
Somerset v Glamorgan Taunton
Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire Milton Keynes
Lancashire v Durham Old Trafford
Leicestershire v Yorkshire Grace Road

Wednesday, June 18th 2008
Glamorgan v Gloucestershire Cardiff
Surrey v Hampshire The Brit Oval
Yorkshire v Lancashire Headingley Carnegie
Durham v Nottinghamshire Riverside
Essex v Kent Chelmsford

Thursday, June 19th 2008
Middlesex v Sussex Lord's
Northamptonshire v Warwickshire Milton Keynes
Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge
Worcestershire v Somerset New Road

Friday, June 20th 2008
Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford
Somerset v Gloucestershire Taunton
Kent v Middlesex Beckenham
Hampshire v Sussex The Rose Bowl
Essex v Surrey Chelmsford
Durham v Leicestershire Riverside
Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Derby
Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston
Glamorgan v Northamptonshire Cardiff

Sunday, June 22nd 2008
Middlesex v Hampshire Richmond
Northamptonshire v Glamorgan Northampton
Yorkshire v Durham Headingley Carnegie
Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Edgbaston
Sussex v Surrey Hove
Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge
Kent v Essex Beckenham
Derbyshire v Leicestershire Derby
Somerset v Worcestershire Taunton

Monday, June 23rd 2008
Hampshire v Surrey The Rose Bowl
Lancashire v Derbyshire Old Trafford

Tuesday, June 24th 2008
Middlesex v Kent Uxbridge
Gloucestershire v Glamorgan Bristol
Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Grace Road
Essex v Sussex Chelmsford
Warwickshire v Somerset Edgbaston
Worcestershire v Northamptonshire New Road
Durham v Yorkshire Riverside

Wednesday, June 25th 2008
Kent v Surrey Canterbury
Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford
Hampshire v Essex The Rose Bowl
Gloucestershire v Worcestershire Bristol
Derbyshire v Durham Derby
Sussex v Middlesex Hove

Thursday, June 26th 2008
Yorkshire v Leicestershire Headingley Carnegie
Northamptonshire v Somerset Northampton
Warwickshire v Glamorgan Edgbaston

Friday, June 27th 2008
Surrey v Middlesex The Brit Oval
Worcestershire v Glamorgan New Road
Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Edgbaston
Sussex v Kent Hove
Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge
Leicestershire v Derbyshire Grace Road
Gloucestershire v Somerset Bristol
Durham v Lancashire Riverside
Essex v Hampshire Chelmsford

Monday, July 7th 2008 - Quarter Finals
tba vs tba
tba vs tba

Tuesaday, July 8th 2008 - Quarter Finals
tba vs tba

Wednesday, July 9th 2008 - Quarter Finals
tba vs tba

Saturday, July 26th 2008 - Finals Day
Semi Final 1 The Rose Bowl
Semi Final 2 The Rose Bowl
2008 Twenty20 Cup Final The Rose Bowl

You can also see the Power Rankings along with information on each team

Below is the ranking
1 Leicestershire Foxes

2 Somerset Sabres

3 Surrey Brown Caps

4 Warwickshire Bears

5 Lancashire Lightning

6 Glamorgan Dragons

7 Gloucestershire Gladiators

8 Worcestershire Royals

9 Northamptonshire Steelbacks

10 Nottinghamshire Outlaws

11 Yorkshire Phoenix

12 Kent Spitfires

13 Hampshire Hawks

14 Middlesex Crusaders

15 Sussex Sharks

16 Essex Eagles

17 Derbyshire Phantoms

18 Durham Dynamos

Enjoy the matches and let the Twenty20 craze never die out


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