Friday, March 20, 2009

Amazing Phenomenon- Dolphins Blowing Bubbles

You have to see it to believe it. Dolphins are actually blowing the bubbles in the water and then playing with those bubbles. Their elegant move is complemented by the joyful acts especially when they whisk past the bubbles. You must be lucky if you have seen this phenomenon in the brand new video that just aired on ABC’s World News with Charles Gibson. If not, you need not worry because you can check out to witness the experience of dolphin bubbles yourself.

Dolphins are very elegant, graceful and intelligent creatures. There are many aquariums in the world which gives you an opportunity to play with the Dolphins but my favorite is SeaWorld in Orlando. It gives you an opportunity to be closer to nature. It has a team of professionals who makes your experience truly memorable. The more I read about it, the more I am attracted to visit this place again. This is on the must do list for our upcoming trip. Most important is that the kids would love the experience to see the Dolphins perform in front of their eyes. This is the best gift which parents can give to their children and I am happy to be one of them.



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